10 things you should do if you want to be "MAKET" people
- Get close with popular guys/girls,kalau boleh lain sekolah.
- Throw away your usual friends in school just to be with the cool ones.
- LORL(Laughoutreallyloud) around the cool ones to attract them to befriend with you.
- Wall-to-wall with someone that you think cool just to show that you guys/girls know him.
- Intercept any people's post with comments sebab tak boleh korang takde,mesti kena ade.
- Buat-buat kenal budak cool around your uncool friends if terserempak walaupun dia tak kenal kau.
- Add stupid English names at your last name contoh : Pudin Brooke
- Get a camera.Make sure it is DSLR and wear them around your neck like a necklace every time you walk around town.
- If you have a car or should I say your mum's,drive it with your cool friends around town and show them "your" car.If the cool guys ask to fetch them,don't wait long!Just go and fetch them quickly!
- And the final one is you MUST have a cool appearance contoh : Fucking Expensive jeans,Unreasonable price of Shoes,Overpriced Briefs(Optional),and other things that you think it is style and cool.
I can guarantee you all of above is true.
I've tried it about 10 times and it works.
I get many cool friends by these simple steps.
*this post takde kena mengena dengan yang hidup dengan yang mati,hanya sebagai panduan untuk jadi cool
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